How can someone be this beautiful?

Tell me! How?!?!

Its like , when you look at him…you know you are looking at perfection.

You know he is magic.
That he is toxic.


I want to stay away from this guy.
This guy who seems so foreign, so extra terrestrial.

But I know I cant.
Its like he’s got this unrecognised control over me…some sort of a spell.

His eyes are soooo deep that I fall deep into them when I look at them.

I want to stay away from his field of attraction …because I know there aint anything else waiting there for me….

Except pain.


Mahek Mithare

29 thoughts on “Go away.

  1. Mehak. I just love your writing with so passionate feelings that make me fell for the character to soothe her pain. Keep touching our hearts and I wish u derive some hope for the character Love it

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Awww so beautiful .. İ was heard that name .. İt looks cute😊 am not melek.. My blog’s name is melek.. Melek kanatları (Angel’s wings) it is mean . i am Noor (Nur) 😊

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Avi! Punch on the way. 👊👊
      This is my BLOG.
      Kindly make sure that the content you post is relevant and does not give rise to any undesired consequences.

      I know you are laughing.
      But PUH-LEEZ.



  2. And yet we still entertain those thoughts and feelings. Nothing makes us feel more alive then to pursue the things that could possibly cause us pain. The thrill. The rush. The pleasure – Most times, it’s all worth it. And then it isn’t…

    Liked by 1 person

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