I wish you had waited until I told you how beautiful you were.

I wish you had waited until I told you that you had the most beautiful eyes in the world.

I wish you had waited until I told you I liked color pink and that I loved chinese.


I wish you had waited until we spoke about which place we’d love to travel.

I wish you had waited until you played your hand through my hair…and I through yours’.

I wish you had waited until I had known the taste of your tongue.

I wish you had waited until I hugged you once.

I wish you had waited until you wiped the tears off my eyes.

I wish you had waited until we had created some more- just some more- memories together.

I wish you had waited until I had told you how much I like you being around.

I wish you had waited until I told you what you meant to me.

I wish you had waited until I told you that I was so addicted to you that my mind knew no name other than yours.

I wish you had waited until I told you how much I loved you.

I wish you had waited until I told you that I cannot live without you.

I wish you had waited until I told you that everytime I see you , my hearts sinks in little by little.

I wish you had waited for a little more time just to see if I was alright.

I wish you had turned back once. ONCE.

I wish you hadn’t left my hand so simply as though I was nothing more than a mole digging the earth.

I wish you had loved me the way you said you did.

I wish you bothered to ask if I was alright.

I wish I could unknow you.

I wish I could take back every one of those moments I spent on you- thinking about you.

I wish I could go back and delete that very moment I saw you for the first time.

I wish I could erase you from my life- like you erased me from yours.

I wish you had sensed the pain in the smile I gave you when you told me that ours couldn’t be taken any further.

I wish you were here right now.

I wish I could be happy again.

I wish you had waited to hear me say , “I’ll wait”.

I wish I could love you again…

I wish.

Mahek Mithare

249 thoughts on “I wish.

  1. Hi,

    You’re good, real good!

    I remembered when I felt like this about my girlfriend.

    Then I realized it wasn’t her. Now she’s my wife.

    I’m glad I waited until I got out of the way.

    Thanks for following,

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Very well said. I am coming out of a very short marriage. My husband turned out to be a fake and a fraud…a liar and a cheat. And I wish I never would have met him. But I learned a lesson through my heartache and pain…God love me more than any man could and He will always treat me the way I am meant to be treated. I knew all my life God wanted me to stay single so I could better serve Him and have a close relationship with Him. After I got married, 10 months later, I didn’t even know my husband anymore, he was a stranger to me, no longer the sweet, loving, caring, thoughtful man I married. I found out everything was a lie, that he cheated on me and walked away, leaving me in a horrible situation. He is from and lives in another country, he thought just because he ignored me that it married him single. He is even planning on remarrying in April and we are still married. Anyway, I learned that God is all I need and I am loving my relationship with Christ. He is the best husband a woman could ever want. He is my everything. I trust Him to see me through the valley journey I now walk and I know one day He will bless me greatly and I will be placed upon a mountain peak.
    Know that no matter what you go through in life…God loves you so very much and He will always be there for you.
    God bless you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Im sorry for whatever happend from the bottom of my heart. I hope you continue to get nourished by His love. 🙂 You deserve his love.
      And yes. Well said. God always loves us. No matter what. He is there for us no matter when. And hence we dont need any person to remain alive. Well said.

      God bless you. Loads of love. 💕💕💕

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Mahek, nice poem. I’m always amazed at how much harder sorrow hits us compared to the joys of life. Words written in sorrow reach much farther than those written in bliss, and it’s a strange occurrence with respect to human emotions!

    Liked by 2 people

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