Do you know how beautiful you are?

Do you know that you are like the prettiest thing that has ever walked the face of earth?

Do you know that your smile can light up a whole world?

Do you know that you are so beautiful that if I was to have a tiny bit of the beauty you own, I would be the most beautiful girl in this universe?

Do you know that you are so divine that whenever I look into your eyes I get to see a glimpse of heaven?

Do you?


Do you know that the nature will never let me know the secret recepie- that mystical secret recepie- with which it made you?

Do you know that you are one of those fallen angels from the dark sky?

Do you know that you define mankind?

Do you?!

Do you know that you are a sign of perfection of God’s art?

Do you know that everytime I see you – it feels like you are a part of the conspiracy that is going to change my life?

Do you?

I wish you did. 🙂

Mahek Mithare

104 thoughts on “Only if you knew this.

      1. Wait. Lemme explainsss.
        My boredom is like the worlds most indestructable boredom…u know dat.
        Uve seen me. EVEN GUETTA CANT REALLY HELP.
        Well that makes you better than guetta.
        Umm. Well not actually. 😂😂😂
        But yeah. Seriosly i do find ur articles intrstin ,okay?

        P.S.: see…im so sweet and how long i typed just to keep u frm gettin pissed.:(


  1. Man, this kind of love is electric.
    “Do you know that everytime I see you – it feels like you are a part of the conspiracy that is going to change my life?” This is a wonderful turn of phrase! A conspiracy for the Greater Good!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good Goddd. Did u write this mahek.!?!?!?!
    I am seriosly in laaauuu with it. So impressive and moving.
    i nevr knew u write THIS WELL YA.
    nver stop.

    Liked by 1 person

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